
Send Solipsistic Pop Books feedback, questions, submissions or press requests to solipsisticpop*at*gmail*dot*com.

If you are a retailer or library and would like to stock Solipsistic Pop then please email tomhumberstone*at*gmail*dot*com with shipping details and required quantities.

Submission guidelines

If you would like your work to be considered for future editions of Solipsistic Pop or have a book proposal for Solipsistic Pop Books please email solipsisticpop*at*gmail*dot*com with a link to your existing work. Please do not attach files to the email.

Regarding the Solipsistic Pop anthology – we will get in touch with a specific brief for the next volume if your work is selected. It may be that your work is not suitable for one volume of Solipsistic Pop but could be perfect for the next volume so please keep in touch and continue to send us links to your work.

Solipsistic Pop is an anthology dedicated to showcasing the best comic artists based in the UK – as such, we sadly can’t accept commissions from artists living outside the UK.

Submissions will be considered for Solipsistic Pop 6 (due early 2014).