Help support Solipsistic Pop

Solipsistic Pop has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise money for volume four.

Please head over there and donate if you can – or tell your friends. All help and support is greatly appreciated!

Here’s a little info from the campaign page:

What We Need

Due to the more ambitious nature of the fourth volume of Solipsistic Pop, we need help meeting the printing cost of the book and securing the collateral to establish a larger distribution model to the previous three volumes.

The funding target is just over £5,000 which would go a long way to meeting the printing costs and allow for a more sustainable business model for future editions of the book.

What You Get

Depending on your ability to contribute and invest in Solipsistic Pop, there are several exciting incentives available – from signed, exclusive postcards and badges to pre-ordered copies of Solipsistic Pop 4, free tickets to launch events, digital downloads, original artwork, limited edition prints, a credit in the book and even extremely rare printing plates.

Every little helps and whatever you can spare to help support us will be greatly appreciated. Everyone who donates will receive regular updates about Solipsistic Pop 4’s progress before anyone else and will be invited to future Solipsistic Pop events throughout 2012.

And as a little bonus – here’s Katie Green’s Solipsistic Pop 4 stamp design. Yes, this issue has it’s very own stamp…